Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Unbelievable Magic on a Pool Table

Next time you embark on a game of pool in your local pub, forget drawing inspiration from Ronnie O'Sullivan and take a look at this pool trickster.
This jaw-dropping montage shows pool trick-shot player Florian Kohler perform a series of pool tricks with multiple tables in a pool room in Las Vegas
The footage shows the skillful showman pot a series of balls from other pool tables in the large hall with the help of a glamorous blonde assistant.
The beginning of the video shows a plastic bulldog in the centre of the pool table which is the logo for the video sponsor, Pool Dawg.
The amazing tricks include potting multiple balls through hoops and triangles and even shooting over the body of his assistant.   
Kohler, 28, is nicknamed Venom and has made a name for himself by doing the jaw-dropping trick shots.
Originally from Las Vegas, he became a professional trick shot player when he realised he had a talent when he started playing pool at the age of 18 after receiving a table from his parents as a birthday gift. 

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